
Designs and monitors the building of the airplane

  1. After the Materials Teammate brings you the paper types, work with your team to choose which paper to use to build the airplane.
  2. Tell the Materials Teammate which paper you chose so they can return the others and report the price to the Finance Teammate.
  3. Discuss with your team which airplane design your team will build.
  4. Give the paper you chose to the Mechanic, and tell them which airplane design they are to build.
  • The papers have different weights and different prices.
  • Every airplane design has different strengths. Check the Pilot Tip Sheet.
  • Ask the Mechanic if they understand and can build the airplane design before making your final selection.
  • The Mechanic is the only one that is allowed to build the airplane, but you can help guide them with the mobile device.

Test the aerodynamics of each design in the wind tunnel!

The orange and green represents air turbulence. More turbulence creates more drag!